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You wouldn't knowingly put a Pesticide into your own body so why do it to your dog??

Writer's picture: Lyndall PinchenLyndall Pinchen

I don’t think any of us would willingly take a known pesticide and put it into our bodies- I know I certainly wouldn’t, and while we can’t avoid 100% of all the chemicals we are exposed too, most of us wouldn’t increase that risk. However, every month many dog owners are doing exactly this to their pets. Yes I get it- none of us want to place out pets at risk of parasites like paralysis ticks and heartworm. However, these products come with great risks to the health of our pets and do not offer a 100% guarantee that your dog or cat will be protected. Let’s look a little more deeply at this in todays short video.

Many years ago when I didn’t know any better I was one of those dog owners that used the chemical flea tick and worming products on my own dogs, having been told by me vet that that was the only way to protect them. These days I understand far better and know that this is something I personally choose not to do with my own pets due to the associated risks.

So what products am I talking about?? Really any of the chemical based products on the market that are used to treat fleas, ticks, worms, heartworm and other parasites. The majority of these contain a single active ingredient that is active against fleas, ticks and or worms. In some products there maybe 2 active ingredients especially if it is a combination product. All of these actives are known insecticides which are types of pesticides that are aimed at killing any parasite. Common ones found in these products include Fluralaner which is a systemic insecticide that kills fleas and ticks through prolonged exposure, Afoxolaner a newer  insecticide that kills fleas and ticks by over-stimulating their nervous systems, Fipronil which  Targets the nervous system of fleas and ticks, causing paralysis and death and Ivermectin: A potent anthelmintic that targets a range of parasites, including heartworms, by interfering with their nerve and muscle function. An anthelmintic is a drug (or herb) that has the ability to kill and expel worms from the body.

So let’s take a closer look at these commonly present chemical- bearing in mind too that there are a number others that are also found in these products that work in very similar way and have the same potential negative impact on your pets health.

Fluralaner- this active compound has a range of both common and also more serious side effects. Commonly dogs can experience vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, increased thirst and also poor appetite. More serious issues include seizures (this I have seen many times), tremors, muscle weakness and being wobbly on the legs as well as skin reactions like rashes and sores that break out. Breathing difficulties are also possible. And if your dog has already a history of seizures or any liver weakness then this  is an extra caution to avoid this chemical at all cost.

Afoxolaner- the common side effects here are pretty much the same as fluralaner with the addition of dry and flaky skin. In the more serious category we also have seizures and tremors as well as weakness in the limbs as well as possible hyperactivity and mental overstimulation and excessive drooling. Once again any dog experiencing pre existing seizures or any neurological condition should absolutely avoid this chemical.

Fipronil- the common issues here include gastrointestinal upsets as well as drooling in general, skin irritations and rashes (I have definitely seen this myself) as well as hair loss in some dogs. More serious concerns include seizures, tremors, difficulty walking, uncoordinated movements and behavioural changes including reactivity and depression.

And finally Ivermectin which of course became more well known through Covid, but that’s a whole different video!

Common side effects with ivermectin include dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, fatigue, muscle and joint pain. Severe skin reactions, seizures, confusion, swelling and fevers as well asw liver problems  are less common but certainly more serious side effects with the use of ivermectin.

You'll notice that many of the side effects are neurological in nature such as seizures and tremors and this is due to the way that these chemicals work on parasite. All of these pesticides are known as neurotoxins although they work in slightly different ways. A neurotoxin is a substances that damage, destroy, or impair the functioning of the central and/or peripheral nervous system. And while that might be good for killing a parasite, the issue here is that these chemicals can and do at times cross what is known as the blood brain barrier.

The blood-brain barrier or (BBB) is a specialized and very selective barrier that separates the circulating blood in your doges body from the brain's extracellular fluid found in the central nervous system. Its job is to protect the brain from potentially harmful substances while allowing essential nutrients to pass through. Unfortunately, genetic weakness, incorrect dosing or just the nature of the neurotoxic pesticides themselves can cause damage to to blood brain barrier lining and make it more permeable, allowing these chemicals to then move into the brain are and cause major problems.

But not only this. What about the general impact of these pesticides on your dogs immune system? Studies have shown that these types of pesticidal ingredients can impair the functioning of the immune system by damaging immune cells such as T cells and macrophages leading to a weakened immune response. In addition, they can lead to what is known as neuroinflammation. Many of you know I talk a lot about inflammation on my channel and inflammation anywhere in the body is problematic but especially in the brain area. When given over a period of time, these chemicals can set up a pattern of chronic inflammation that alters the immune response either weakening it or pushing it into autoimmune patterns as well as triggering off many side effects like the ones we have talked about today.

So all in all you an see how damaging these chemicals can be- and really what I have talked about is the tip of the iceberg- I really could go much deeper but that would make for a very long video. Suffice it to say we want to avoid these chemicals as much as possible. And of course the next question is if not these chemicals then what?? Vets have put so much fear in our minds about this and of  course I am well aware of how problematic parasites can be for our pets. The first thing I want to say is that it is important for any animal to have a strong immune system and part of this means avoiding as many chemicals as possible. This will help make sure that your dogs immune system is strong and responsive.

I always urge people to look for as many natural options as possible along with keeping their pets immune systems strong and healthy. Diatomaceous, earth, neem seed oil, certain essential oils (as long as used correctly), herbs and homoeopathics can offer excellent and very effective alternatives to parasite control. No matter what you use when it comes to ticks, it is important to always check your dogs coat and skin daily if you live in a  high tick area. And if you would like to learn more about my natural flea tick and worming range you can jump through to my website. Please note that you will need to sign into my online store- this is a requirement for me here in Australia I am not freely allowed to advertise my formulas as a naturopathic practitioner so this is why you will need to sign in.

I know how much we all love our dogs and what them to be safe but for me it is all about the long term health and vitality of our pets and this means avoiding these problematic chemicals as much as possible to help maintain long term health and wellbeing.

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Aug 27, 2024

I've been using your flea/tick drops for a while now and I'm so happy that I'm not putting toxic chemicals into Daisy anymore. She hasn't had any fleas or a ticks. She's also on your three monthly worming drops and other tinctures you've prescribed for her and she's doing really well. So grateful to have found you!


Deltry Dickie
Deltry Dickie
Aug 25, 2024

Great article! I feel confident in the great product for flea/tick I bought from you! I've never found one flea on our dog - happy and healthy!

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